Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Africa Reflection

From the presentation, I would say the photo is my absolute favorite. The lines on the zebra's bodies are very mesmerizing. Repetition and lines are shown very well in this photo. 

About The Photographer:
a.     What kind of camera did he use?
Pentax 67ll

b.     What is his reason for taking the photos?
While filming a video for Michael Jackson in 1995, Brandt fell in love with animals. Over the next few years, he realized there was a way to achieve his feelings and love towards animals through photography.

                                                   c.     What is his hope by taking these types of photos?
 Brandt's hope was too convey the simplicity and beauty of animals. He believed humans as well as animals should all be treated with equality.  

d.     Find something he has to say about Africa and post the quote on your blog
                    Nick B photographs exclusively in Africa, one of his goals being to record a last testament to the       wild animals and places there before they are destroyed by the hands of man.

Mural Project Preview

1. I think we should make a mural displaying different activities and events where we have shown school spirit.

2. I think the theme of school spirit is worth sharing because I think as a school, overall, we lack a sense of spirit and support. I don't think students realize how much spirit can change the atmosphere of a school. Most people think Akins has a "reputation" but I think, if we start celebrating and having fun rather than putting down the place where we spend most of our time at, everyone would enjoy coming to school a little more.

3. Using a phone camera could be an advantage because phones are available to almost everyone. Phone cameras are also simple and easy to use. Disadvantages of using phone cameras could include gathering everyone's photos and the quality of the photos might not be as good as SLR photos. 

4. I think the biggest advantage of using an SLR camera is the fact that photos will be of a higher quality rather than relying on the phone's camera quality, which will vary from students. A disadvantage of using SLR cameras would be the fact that some students who don't have experience working with SLR cameras might not know how to work them.

5. I think we should use phone cameras. SLR cameras might be of a much better quality, but phones are available to everyone. It's an easier way of getting everybody involved which is what we need as a school.