Friday, September 27, 2013

Photo Manipulations and Ethics

This article is showing the importance of using photoshop in the right and wrong situations and the effects that it can have. Many photographers and journalists will go to the furthest extent to have their photo be the best. Even if that requires doing the wrong thing and getting in trouble. 

I think there are right and wrong times to manipulate photos. When there are little things that people wouldn't really notice, it doesn't matter that much. There comes a time and place when it comes to photo manipulation. 

I think this photo manipulation is the most unethical. Many people look up to celebrities and TV stars as  inspirations. I think it is unethical that they would lie and use another woman's body. It become an unrealistic thing if you strive to be like that celebrity. It is also very disrespectful to the other woman because they are using her body without giving her credit.   

This photo is pretty reasonable to me. The subject of the photo is not really effecting people or others feeling as directly as the other examples are. The photo was just enhanced so it would fit onto the cover.